You can use this dividing fractions calculator to quickly calculate the division of two fractions. This calculator can instantly divide two fractions, whether they are negative or positive, in the blink of an eye.
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A fraction is a number formed by the ratio of two integers. If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two numbers, then a/b is a fraction if d≠0; otherwise, the fraction is undefined.
Some of the common examples of fractions are 5/10 , 3/2 , – 1/2 , 31/2 (mixed fraction) etc…
Positive and negative fractions are also possible. The numerator is the highest number in a fraction, while the denominator is the lowest. The fraction is incorrect if the numerator is greater than the denominator.
When a fraction is added to a whole number, we call it a “mixed number.” A proper fraction has a denominator that is greater than the numerator. Proper fractions are also known as common fractions and simple fractions.
Dividing Fractions Calculator Use
- This calculator is simple to operate and use.
- In both fields, enter the fraction values.
- The rest will be handled by the calculator.
- The solution will be provided in both fraction and decimal form.
Solved Example on Dividing Fractions
To divide two fractions, multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. In layman’s terms, division of two fractions can be accomplished by cross multiplication of two fractions.
Example 1 : Dividing two fractions.
Divide 3/2 x 3/5
Solution :
By cross multiplying both the fractions,
3/2 x 3/5 = 3×5/2×3 = 15/6
As you can see in the result, the numerator (15) is bigger than the denominator (6), indicating that the fraction is improper. We must now convert the improper fraction to mixed number format.
Steps to convert improper fraction to mixed number fraction are mentioned below.
- To begin, divide the numerator by the denominator, as follows: 15 ÷ 6 = 2.
- The remainder is 3 and the quotient is 2.
- Make 2 the whole number and the remainder (3) the new numerator on the same old denominator (6).
- As a result, 15/6 will be changed to a mixed fraction of 23/6, which can be further simplified.
- So the final answer is 2
31/62 = 21/2
Note that if you use the above calculator to solve this problem you will get the result as ‘5/2’. But don’t get confused, because when you convert this improper fraction into mixed number format you will only get 21/2 as the answer.
Example 2 : Divide Fractions
Divide 2/8 x 3/7
Solution :
By cross multiplying both the fractions,
2/8 x 3/7 = 2×7/8×3 = 14/24
By simplifying,
14/24 = 7/12 ….(by dividing numerator and denominator by 2)
Because the numerator is less than the denominator, the result is a proper fraction. As a result, no conversion to mixed number format is required.