Percentage to Px Converter

Using this percentage to px converter calculator, you can simply convert any percentage value to pixels.

<iframe src="" style="width:100%;height:100%;"></iframe>


Percentage is denoted as % or percent. This symbol is created by combining the numbers 1 and 00. The term “percentage” refers to the number “out of 100.” 85 percent, for example, is 85 percent of 100, which can be written as the fraction 85/100.


A pixel, pel or picture element is the smallest controllable element of a picture portrayed on the screen in digital imaging. It is the smallest addressable element in a raster image, or the smallest addressable element in an all points addressable display device.

Percentage to Px Converter Use

  • This calculator is simple and quick to use.
  • To begin, input the pixel font-size for the conversion’s base.
  • We set the value to 16 by default because this is the default value for most common browsers on the internet.
  • After that, type in the percentage value you want to convert to pixel.
  • The converter will display the converted value in pixels throughout the rest of the process.

Formula to Convert Percentage to Px

The formula to convert percentage into pixel value is mentioned below:

percentage to pixel formula

For Example,

1. Convert 25 percentage into pixels value. Let the root font-size be 16px.

The get the result, first multiply the percentage value by root font-size and then divide the result by 100, (25*16)/100 = 4 px.

Percentage ↔︎ Pixel Conversion Table

The root font-size value is kept at 16px for this conversion table.

Percentage (%)Pixel (px)
1 % 0.16 px
2 % 0.32 px
3 % 0.48 px
4 % 0.64 px
5 % 0.8 px
6 % 0.96 px
7 % 1.12 px
8 % 1.28 px
9 % 1.44 px
10 % 1.6 px
11 % 1.76 px
12 % 1.92 px
13 % 2.08 px
14 % 2.24 px
15 % 2.4 px
16 % 2.56 px
17 % 2.72 px
18 % 2.88 px
19 % 3.04 px
20 % 3.2 px
21 % 3.36 px
22 % 3.52 px
23 % 3.68 px
24 % 3.84 px
25 % 4 px
Percentage (%)Pixel (px)
26 %4.16 px
27 % 4.32 px
28 % 4.48 px
29 % 4.64 px
30 % 4.8 px
31 % 4.96 px
32 % 5.12 px
33 % 5.28 px
34 % 5.44 px
35 % 5.6 px
36 % 5.76 px
37 % 5.92 px
38 % 6.08 px
39 % 6.24 px
40 % 6.4 px
41 % 6.56 px
42 % 6.72 px
43 % 6.88 px
44 % 7.04 px
45 % 7.2 px
46 % 7.36 px
47 % 7.52 px
48 % 7.68 px
49 % 7.84 px
50 % 8 px