Subtract Time Calculator [hrs:min:sec]

Subtract time calculator makes it easier to calculate the difference between two time values. You have to enter both time values in the tool below in the format of ‘hrs:min:sec’.

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Calculating subtraction of hours, minutes and seconds can be time consuming if you don’t have the proper tool or calculator.

You may have to perform time calculations as part of your job, for example, to determine how many hours a particular person spent on phone calls during work hours in a given week.

In these situations, our time calculator is a useful instrument that makes the subtraction of time simple and completes your task in a matter of seconds.

How to Use Subtract Time Calculator

  • Our time subtraction calculator has a simple three-step method for calculating the subtraction of time.
  • The first set of time should be entered in the calculator’s first box using the format “hrs:min:sec.”
  • To input the second set of time, repeat the above procedure for the second box.
  • The difference of the two time values will be shown in the third box.
  • Always enter the big time value in the first input box and small time value in the second input box.
  • For both sets of time values, be aware to enter the values in all three time units (hrs:min:sec). In the event that your time value contains only hrs, min or sec value, you may input 0 (zero) in that circumstance. For example, 12:18:00, 16:00:30, 00:25:59, 0:0:17, etc.

Relation Between Time Units

As we all know, time is a continuous measurement that can be measured by various units for different periods of time. The most commonly used time measurement units are seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.

The relationship between the most widespread time units is shown below.

  • 1 second = 1,000 milliseconds
  • 1 minute = 60 seconds
  • 1 hour = 60 minutes
  • 1 day = 24 hours
  • 1 week = 7 days
  • 1 month = 30 or 31 days (depending on the month), or 4 weeks
  • 1 year = 12 months, or 365 days (or 366 days in a leap year)

Examples of Subtracting Time Together

We developed this super tool just for you, but if you are unable to access our calculator tool and need to find the difference between two time values manually, don’t get confused between hours, minutes and seconds.

Below, we’ve provided two examples that walk you through the process of subtracting various times together step by step.

Example :

1. Subtract time : 4 h 59 min 19 sec from 09 h 40 min 24 sec.

Solution :

We will put each time unit separately and perform the subtraction.

hours = 9 – 4 = 5 h
minutes = 40 – 59 = -19 min
seconds = 24 – 19 = 5 sec

5 h (-19) min 5 sec

You can see that the minutes number is in negative form, so we must change it to positive form. To accomplish this, we must borrow 1 hour (60 minutes) from the hours value and add it to the minutes value.

subtract hours minutes and seconds

The difference between both time values is:

4 h 41 min 5 sec.

You can always use the time addition tool mentioned above to double-check your results.

Example :

2. Find difference of : 16 h 14 min 24 sec and 5 h 46 min 55 sec.

Solution :

hours = 16 – 5 = 11 hr
minutes = 14 – 46 = -32 min
seconds = 24 – 55 = -31 sec

11 h (-32) min (-31) sec

Because the minutes and seconds values are negative, we must change them to positive.

To begin, we must borrow 1 hour (60 minutes) from the value of hours and add it to the value of minutes.

Once the minutes value is positive, take 1 minute (60 seconds) from the minutes value and add it to the seconds value to make it positive.

time subtraction calculator

After converting the minutes value to a positive number, convert the seconds value.

subtraction of time

The difference between both time values is:

10 h 27 min 29 sec.
