Volume of Sphere Calculator

With the help of this sphere volume calculator, calculating the volume of a sphere has never been easier. Simply enter the spherical shape’s radius, and this tool will calculate its circumference and volume in a blink of an eye.

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Spheres, also known as spherical solids, are three-dimensional objects made up of identically spaced points. For example, a ping pong ball can be considered as a spherical object.

sphere volume calculator

In the above sphere figure, ‘r’ represents the radius of the spherical shape.

Volume of Sphere Calculator Use

  • To get the volume of a sphere, you must first determine the radius of the sphere.
  • In the above calculator, enter the radius value in the appropriate field.
  • The calculator will calculate the sphere’s volume as well as its circumference.

Sphere Volume Formula

A simple formula can be used to calculate the volume of a sphere. Using the formula below, you can calculate the volume of a sphere using the radius (r).

volume of sphere formula

How to Calculate the Volume of a Sphere

Using the formula described above, one can simply calculate the volume of a sphere. The radius or diameter of the sphere is all you’ll need.

Though the formula only employs the radius of the sphere to calculate the volume of the sphere, the diameter can also be used to find the volume.

All you have to do is find the value of radius from the diameter itself. We’ll show you how to do it with the help of some easy examples.


1. Determine the volume of a spherical object with a radius of 20 cm.

Solution :

Radius of spherical object (r) = 20 cm

Using the sphere volume formula,

Volume = (4/3)πr3
Volume = (4/3) x 3.141592654 x 203
Volume = 1.33333333 x 3.141592654 x 8000
Volume = 33510.3216 cu.cm

The volume of the spherical object with radius 20 cm is 33510.3216 cubic centimeters.


2. What is the volume of a sphere with an 8 inch radius?.

Solution :

Radius of spherical (r) = 8 inch

Using the sphere volume formula,

Volume = (4/3)πr3
Volume = (4/3) x 3.141592654 x 83
Volume = 1.33333333 x 3.141592654 x 512
Volume = 2144.66058 cu.in

The volume of the sphere with radius 8 inches is 2144.66058 cubic inches.

How to Calculate the Volume of a Sphere Using Diameter

The formula for calculating the volume of a sphere is well-known. You can immediately find the volume of a sphere using the formula, but how will you find the volume if you don’t know the radius value and just know the diameter value?

The solution is straightforward; simply calculate the radius from the given diameter and apply the same formula to get the sphere’s volume.

The radius is always half the diameter, therefore if the diameter is 4, the radius is 2, and if the diameter is 16, the radius is 8, and so on. We have solved an example of calculating the volume of a sphere based on its diameter below.


1. Determine the volume of a spherical object with a diameter of 14 units.

Solution :

Diameter of Sphere = 14 units

Because the sphere’s radius is always half its diameter, the radius value will be

Radius = (1/2) x diameter
Radius = (1/2) x 14
Radius = 0.5 x 14
Radius = 7 units

Using the sphere volume formula,

Volume = (4/3)πr3
Volume = (4/3) x 3.141592654 x 73
Volume = 1.33333333 x 3.141592654 x 343
Volume = 1436.75504 cubic units

The volume of the sphere with diameter 14 units is 1436.75504 cubic units.