Using this percentage error calculator, you can compute the percentage error between the observed and true value.
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A percentage error is the percentage difference between an approximated or measured number and its real or exact value. Percent error is used in scientific investigations to report the difference between the experimental value and the real or exact value. It’s worked out as a percentage of the exact value.
Calculator Use
- This calculator is easy to use and quick.
- To begin, enter the observed value in the first box.
- Then, in the second box, enter the actual or true value.
- Throughout the rest of the procedure, the calculator will display the percentage error (%).
Formula to Calculate Percentage Error
The formula to calculate the percentage error is mentioned below.
Here, error = observed value – true value
The following example explains the concept of a % error.
Sam is getting new carpets for his living room. He instructs Henry to measure the lounge’s length, which he determines to be 13.24 metres. The room is listed as being shorter than his measurement on the house blueprints, so Sam checks the tape and discovers that the first metre has been taken off. As a result, the lounge’s real length is 12.24 metres. Determine Henry’s original measurement’s percent error.
Solution :
According to the formula, we must first determine the value of error.
∴ error = 13.24 – 12.24 = 1
∴ % error = ( |1| / |12.24| ) * 100 = 8.16993% error